[rad] Re: etc_passwd

Kaz Zurad kajko.group at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 21:08:51 CEST 2009

Than you.I'm going to set up freeradius not only for cisco firewall
but for wireless conn. What I also need to know to correctly confugure

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Charles Gregory<cgregory at hwcn.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Kaz Zurad wrote:
>> Thank you. I meant RHEL 4. I will try to install and implement it.
> I am using CentOS 4 which is the 'free' version of RHEL 4,
> You should be able to install the freeradius rpm package via yum (or perhaps
> already installed with initial install). You don't need to
> install a more recent version unless you are doing something complicated
> that needs newer features. Though please undertand that most people on this
> list know solutions for the newer versions and if you want serious help with
> things like 'EAP' and 'LDAP' you may need to upgrade.
> But to just do 'simple' authentication from etc_passwd.....
> /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf needs to be reviewed for things like server IP
> address and port, etc, but should pretty much work 'out of the box'.
> /etc/raddb/clients.conf needs an entry listing your NAS (eg. Cisco AS5300)
> with the 'secret' (password) it will use to talk to radius,
> To use etc_passwd for authentication, in the /etc/raddb/users file,
> uncomment and edit the entries (well commented!) that show how to
> configure a 'default' user with 'Auth-Type = System'.
> Yes, that easy!
> - Charles
> -
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