rlm_raw not included in compile

Johan Meiring jmeiring at pcservices.co.za
Mon Jun 22 15:26:22 CEST 2009

Eric Geier wrote:
> Johan,
> I'm a Linux/freeradius newbie, and I don't understand what you meant by "had
> to run autogen.sh first".

I had to do the following:

1) dump rlm_raw in src/modules
2) run "touch src/modules/rlm_raw/configure" from the freeradius source 
root directory.
3) run "./autoconf.sh" from the freeradius source root directory.
4) I use debian so I edited debian/rules
    looked for the "configure" line, and added:
            --with-modules=rlm_raw \
            --with-experimental-modules \
    If you do a manual compile, add this to you configure line.
    If you use something else, ask them how to add it to configure.

> I'm actually using 1.1.7.so I don't think I need to make the two changes you
> mentioned.
> Also, what did you mean by "touch src/modules/rlm_raw/configure" and "added
> rlm_raw to debian configure by editing debian/rules" in a previous post?
> Thanks!
> Eric
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: freeradius-users-bounces+me=egeier.com at lists.freeradius.org
>> [mailto:freeradius-users-bounces+me=egeier.com at lists.freeradius.org] On
>> Behalf Of Johan Meiring
>> Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 12:16 PM
>> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
>> Subject: Re: rlm_raw not included in compile
>> Alan DeKok wrote:
>>>> Does anyone have a clue how to add rlm_raw to the current git tar
>> file?
>>> $ tar -zxf freeradius-server-2.1.7.tar.gz
>>> << add rlm_raw >>
>>> $ tar -zcf freeradius-server-2.1.7.tar.gz freeradius-server-2.1.7
>> It wasn't that simple because rlm_raw did not contain a configure
>> script.
>> You had to run autogen.sh first.
>>>> PS:he rlm_raw I'm using comes from
>>>> http://lists.cistron.nl/pipermail/freeradius-devel/2005-
>> January/007873.html
>>>   That was before version 2.0 was released.  You'll likely have to
>>> update the module to use the new API's && header files in 2.0.
>> Using my "copy and paste" method of c coding (I know VERY little about
>> c) I maneged to copy the code from the old rlm_raw into rlm_example.
>> I needed to make two changes to get it to compile.
>> 1) replace strNcpy with strncpy
>> 2) replace radlib_safeprint with fr_print_string
>> It compiled and IT WORKS!!!
>>>   Alan DeKok.


Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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