freeRADIUS - New Install testing!

Just E. Mail justemail at
Thu May 21 23:45:27 CEST 2009

Installed freeradius-2.2.1 (RPM). Installation & configuration went 
well. RADIUS starts with no problem. "radiusd -XC" output shows no errors.

Now I want to do some preliminary testing. In the older versions, I used 
to run the command:

radtest  <User>  <P/W>  localhost  <Port>  <Secret-Key>

and see the output to verify that RADIUS server was up and running. 
After I did the above install, "radtest" command is not included. How 
does one test a new freeRADIUS installation? Is "radtest" replaced by 
another command? Is there any GUI testing tool for RADIUS?

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