Kassai Istvan kako at zhnet.hu
Sat Nov 14 11:13:14 CET 2009

2009. 11. 14, szombat keltezéssel 10.28-kor Alan DeKok ezt írta:
> Kassai Istvan wrote:
> > I just enabled the dhcp file from sites-available directory, without
> > modifications. I haven't found any info about how can I make it work,
> > and was just trying. 
>   What does that mean?
>   Did you run the server in debugging mode, as suggested EVERYWHERE?

what does what mean? I use the radius for accounting purposes, and would
like to enable dhcp. Put a symlink into sites-enabled directory to the
dhcp, and was running the radiusd with -X, and was waiting what happens.
I don't waiting anybody to solve my problem, it would be enough if
anybody send me a link to an understandable doc, handscript, sample, or
anything can help me.


>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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