7600 -Pppoe service ,hardware requirements

Ilir Nako inako at abcom.al
Wed Oct 7 09:40:59 CEST 2009

Hi all

I want to implement the pppoe service at one cisco 7600 
-sup720bxl-SIp600-Spa5gbe  ,but no success.
I have searching at the cisco web to see if is possible with SIp 600 but 
not found .I am not sure that the SIP 600 is OK.
The router has one another SIP400 but the SPA-5X1GE is not suported by 
this SIP
3/1 5xGE SPA                    SPA-5X1GE          JAB093507M9  2.2    

The IOS version is 122-33.SRD.

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
 no ip address
 vlan-id dot1q 60
  pppoe enable group vlan60
 vlan-id dot1q 88
  pppoe enable group vlan60

bba-group pppoe vlan60
 virtual-template 60
 sessions per-vc limit 500
 sessions per-mac limit 1
 sessions per-vlan limit 1024
 sessions auto cleanup
interface Virtual-Template60

 mtu 1492
 ip unnumbered Loopback60
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 no ip proxy-arp
 ip nat inside
 peer default ip address pool vlan60-pool
 ppp mtu adaptive
 ppp authentication pap chap

Any idea?



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