Proxy/Realm problem in 2.1.7

Alexander Clouter alex at
Wed Oct 7 22:24:48 CEST 2009

Palmer J.D.F. <J.D.F.Palmer at> wrote:
>> there does seem to be an issue with 2.1.7 - I've had a couple
>> of reports stating that the proxy doesnt seem to 'stick' to one
>> remote proxy during EAP (eg with client-balance or client-ip-balance
>> methods). not sure what has changed since 2.1.6 - but a rollback to
>> 2.1.6
>> with exactly the same configuration works....
> It's Good to know, for once, that it's not my fault. :-D
I summary, just crank it to 'fail-over' or apply my patch and move to 
the much better keyed hashing method.

Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on 
which 'Alan' you are more fearful of.   Mr RADIUS 'owns' your server(s) 
whilst Mr JRS might be beering buddies with people who can turn off your 
uplink :)


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: * lilo hereby declares OPN a virtual pain in the ass :)

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