Disconnect message in 2.1.7 release

Vijay Badola vijay.badola at rancoretech.com
Tue Oct 20 08:15:51 CEST 2009


     I have seen the Changelog of release freeradiusd-2.1.7.

     It says there is full support of 'CoA and Disconnect messages'.

     My question is:

(i)                     Is it possible to send disconnect/COA message
internally from code?

(ii)                If yes then how?

(iii)           If not then how can I send the disconnect message from
outside? I have also seen your documents to send disconnect message using
radclient(externally).but I have doubt how I will get trigger to send
Disconnect/COA message if I am doing prepaid accounting.



Vijay Badola




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