Lower case to Upper case in Calling-Station-Id at policy.conf

Alexander Clouter alex at digriz.org.uk
Fri Sep 18 09:39:31 CEST 2009


Hilton Guaraldi <guaraldi at gmail.com> wrote:
> How can I use uc function below in order to change lower case to upper case?
> Ex. 00-18-e7-41-ad-c2    --->  00-18-E7-41-AD-C2
> In the policy.conf:
When I last nosied through the source code there is no way.  I normally 
make sure all the polies are case insensitive *in* FreeRADIUS and when 
things get spat out to my SQL server I slip 'lower(...)' around the MAC 
addresses going in that direction.

The only other way is to have a Perl script doing the work for you, but 
as you can use case insensitive regex to replace string matching, I 
would say it is not worth it.


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: Idleness is the holiday of fools.

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