FreeRadius 2.1.8 works fine in DEBUG mode

John Dennis jdennis at
Fri Feb 12 15:31:51 CET 2010

On 02/11/2010 07:39 PM, Amal Janardhanan wrote:
> If I don't include in import statement from python it works well.

You've got a pretty good clue then. This isn't a freeradius problem. Go 
figure out why python import statements are your problem. Some things to 
check are what is your PYTHONPATH when the script runs. Is anything 
pointed to by the path list NFS mounted or have permissions not 
available to the user radiusd runs under (most likely the radius or 
radiusd user)? Are you running on a SELinux enabled system? If so 
examine your /var/log/audit/audit.log to see if SELinux is denying 
access for some reason. Try running your script as the user:group radius 
runs as (look in your radiusd.conf file and find the user and group 
configuration variables). Do your scripts run in that environment?

As Alan said earlier:
>> i.e. go find out why your system won't let you run executables. This
>> isn't a freeradius problem.

John Dennis <jdennis at>

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