Accounting queries logging just after Acct-Stop packet

Fajar A. Nugraha fajar at
Thu Feb 18 13:07:27 CET 2010

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 6:22 PM, Luiz Gustavo de Villa Scandelari
<luizgustavo at> wrote:
> compared to the previous version (1.x.x) the accounting queries are not
> logging the accounting session at radacct, as it should.
> After we receive an
> Acct-Stop Packet the sql module logs the accounting session data to the
> database, so what can I do in order to have the sql module logging just
> after the Acct-Start Packet?

Start by comparing the default sql query for acct-start to the one you
currently use. Perhaps you're missing something (wrong table name,
wrong fields?).

Then run FR in debug mode. verify that you got acct-start packet
correctly. After that enable sql trace, so you know what queries were
executed. That should help you find out which sql query (if any) is
causing the problem.


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