MAC authentication bypass --- How amIsupposedto?edit?theusersfileto include multiple MAC addresses??

Difan Zhao difan.zhao at
Mon Jan 4 17:52:02 CET 2010

Hey guys,


I am still waiting for a possible solution for this problem that I
have... Please let me know even there is no easy fix. 


To refresh your memory, I am doing MAC address authentication bypass. It
looks to me that the "users" file takes precedence than
"sites-available/default". Whenever there is a default entry in the
"users" file, freeradius server doesn't try to run the module/function
in the "authentication" section... I have attached the debug for the
both cases. Please take a look whenever you can. Thank you!





From: at
[ at lists.freeradi] On Behalf Of Difan Zhao
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 12:19 PM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: RE: MAC authentication bypass --- How
amIsupposedto?edit?theusersfileto include multiple MAC addresses??


Hey guys,


Since I have asked so many questions regarding to this topic I guess you
all know my situation very well so I won't go through the whole thing
again and save your time!


So I found that if I add a "Default" line at the bottom of the users
file, like:



DEFAULT                Auth-Type = ntlm_auth


The server will always use ntlm for authentication... even I have
updated the auth-type to Auth-NHSTB, it doesn't use it. I have attached
both debug files. What should I do if I want a "Default" line in the
user file while still use the special authentication that I defined for
MAC authentication bypass? Thanks!






policy {


        rewrite_calling_station_id {

                if(request:Calling-Station-Id =~
/00-A0-08-([0-9A-F]{2})-([[0-9A-F]{2})-([[0-9A-F]{2})/i) {

                        update request {

                                Calling-Station-Id :=



                else {









authorize {



if((Service-Type == 'Call-Check') && (User-Name =~

                  update control {

                        Auth-Type = 'Auth-NHSTB'





authenticate {


        Auth-Type Auth-NHSTB {

                if(request:User-Name == "%{request:User-Password}") {










Guest-tek, Difan Zhao

difan.zhao at

Office: 403-509-1010 ext 3048

Cell: 403-689-7514


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