Design question considering 802.1x + edirectory + Active Directory

Alan DeKok aland at
Sat Jan 9 11:55:58 CET 2010

Ric2009 wrote:
> Requirements : 
> - 802.1x Authentication for wired and wireless clients ( Windows XP with
> Novell Client )

  FreeRADIUS does that...

> - Single sign on login to Novell eDirectory and Active Directory 

  That isn't a RADIUS thing.

> - Radius Authentication should run over FreeRadius or IAS but not both, if
> it's possible.


> - High Availability is required for Radius service

  Sure... configure it.

> - Virtualization of the Radius servers is recommended


> - I have been looking at multi-platform 802.1x clients like Juniper Networks
> Odyssey Access Client ( OAC ) for multiplaform 802.1x login. But I don't
> know if it's possible to do the same without it. 

  No client will give you everything you want.

> - Is there any downloadable Freeradius + LDAP virtual machine for testing ??

  No.  Download a virtual machine, and install FreeRADIUS on it.

  Alan DeKok.

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