Cisco-AVpair accounting client-mac-address with unlang

Joe Maimon jmaimon at
Mon Jan 11 01:25:22 CET 2010

Alan DeKok wrote:
> Joe Maimon wrote:

>> It does make the code a bit more hairy - I have been making a stab at
>> this and it seems to be quite ugly.
>    Hmm... much of this work could be relegated to the radius_do_cmp()
> function.  It needs to do:
> a) return if condition matches
> b) continue if it doesn't match
>    With some sanity checks to ensure that:
> 	(Foo != bar)
>    is the same as
> 	!(Foo == bar)
>    Alan DeKok.
> -

Ok, I have a preliminary patch, targeted at a pre-2.1.8 code base (git 
stable 20090923)


(attached and pushed to my out of date github fork/branch)

It is indeed fairly ugly. I have not as of yet determined whether to 
hang operational hat on it yet.

This patch aims to have the following as true:

(Foo != bar) == !(Foo == bar) && (Foo !~ bar) == !(Foo =~ bar)

Which is inline with the patch I currently use operationally.



I do not believe that this behavior is present unpatched.

I am undecided as to proper behavior for many of the other tests.

Thank you for all your help and feedback.


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