freeradius + sqlippool

Roy Kartadinata rkartadinata at
Thu Jan 14 16:28:41 CET 2010

Why not put them into groups and assign IP address based on their group?
That's how we have ours setup and it worked well during our test run
last year. 
Roy Kartadinata


From: at
[ at lists.freeradiu] On Behalf Of Konstantin Chekushin
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:38 AM
To: freeradius-users at
Subject: freeradius + sqlippool

Good afternoon! 
I have a question. It is necessary to assign ip-address by RADUIS-server
to gprs user. My decision is to use freeradius+sqlippool for this
purpose . But there is one problem. ippool name is initially unknown. It
should be taken depending on a phone number. I.e. there is one more
table in my database, where is a conformity - number (calling station
id)=ip pool. (If calling-station-id does not present in the table  -
RADIUS takes default ippool name.)
Is there a good way to realize the similar scheme?
Thanks for advices. 
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