Looking for an editor for FreeRADIUS documentation

Peter Nixon listuser at peternixon.net
Thu Jun 10 21:00:43 CEST 2010

> > It looks like a good set of volunteers wanting to help.  My suggestion
> > is to convert the docs to "Restructured text":
> > 
> > http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
> Looks very straight forward. :)
> I'll be creating a github account for myself later this evening and will
> start getting my hands dirty after that.
> Best Regards,
> Johannes R-E
> PS. By the way; for the sake of not duplicating effort does Peter Nixon
> want to lead the way on this or is it just a simple free-for-all?

Hi Johannes

Please feel free to take the lead. While you may of course use the RST viewer 
built into github, its better if you install Sphinx 
(http://sphinx.pocoo.org/) as you will then be able to "build" the RST into 
html format locally on your machine with:

make html

Additionally, if you install rst2pdf you will be able to use:

make pdf

I would do the work in this order:

1) checkout freeradius

2) Rename existing files in doc dir to have a .rst extension (eg. git mv  
proxy proxy.rst)

3) make html (in doc dir)

4) Fix any warnings output by sphinx

5) make html

6) Check what the output looks like (eg. firefox _build/html/index.html) and 
clean up anything that needs it.

7) Repeat for the next file.



Peter Nixon

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