Freeradius-Users Digest, Vol 61, Issue 37

Iain Grant Iain.Grant at
Tue May 11 12:24:16 CEST 2010

>> The problem is %{Stripped-User-Name} does not seem to be working

>here was a chhange to conditional expansions some time back....the
output you see is just a warning....if you 'man >unlang' you can see how
such a condition should be written.....the default config that ships
with 2.1.8 should have >this fixed....but just check your modules/*
files for where this is used... mschapv2 or ntlm_auth from memory

This is strange as I have compared the modules/mschap files on both
systems ( radius 2.1.8 on centos and radius 2.1.7 on RH ES 5.5 ) and
they are identical !!!

In fact I even cut and pasted the ntlm line from the working radius to
the redhat radius server.

Has someone else built a RedHat radius 2.1.7 server to point to an
Windows ADS ??



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