Freeradius-Users Digest, Vol 61, Issue 37

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Tue May 11 12:39:15 CEST 2010


> In fact I even cut and pasted the ntlm line from the working radius to
> the redhat radius server.
> Has someone else built a RedHat radius 2.1.7 server to point to an
> Windows ADS ??

yes...thats what we currently hve. you do not have a problem...the config
definition will work...its just deprecated...the expansion method has changed..
you need to change it to eg (from top of head!)




as said, its documented in the 'unlang' man page....and i really thought
all old deprecated calls in the default config had been wiped away - they
really need to be for the 2.1.9 and 2.2.x releases as they just complicate


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