Toggle Calling-Station-Id check item based on Framed-Protocol?

William Burnett burnett.w at
Sat Oct 16 01:21:40 CEST 2010

Hello all..

I'm trying to setup my Radius server so that it will map MAC addresses
to TTLS user/pass for 802.1x. I have that part working fine. The
problem is, the same user/pass pair I'm also using for the clients
PPPoE authentication.

I want the Calling-Station-Id to be verified when an EAP/TTLS session
is being authenticated, but I don't want to check the
Calling-Station-Id when the PPPoE session is authenticating. This is
because the TTLS device is known and controlled by me, the PPPoE
device may be any MAC address that I don't want to have to maintain a
list of.

My question is, using unlang is there an option do delete a check item
attribute based on another attribute?


if (Framed-Protocol == PPP) {
            update-control {
                                     Calling-Station-Id !*  # Not sure
if I'm using the !* operator properly here

That code just yields errors, but thats essentially what I'm trying to do...


William Burnett
burnett.w at

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