Echo Effect Help

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Sep 15 10:56:22 CEST 2010

Deepak wrote:
> When radius is put in that particular line, it doesn't respond to the
> request from chilli on one particular line of the other two lines. For
> Example: If radius is in Line 1, it processes the request from Line 2
> but completely ignores from Line 3. By line I mean three separate DSL
> lines.

  I'm not really sure what that means.  If this is a networking issue,
it's not a RADIUS problem.  If it's a RADIUS issue, debugging mode will
tell you what it's doing, and why.

> If NAS is put inside the same subnet and authenticated locally,
> 'radacct' table  gets about 20+ entries for single account login. Also
> noticed in debug mode that it is updating accounting information every
> second, while account intermin interval is set for every minute.

  Blame the NAS.  It's sending the accounting packets.  FreeRADIUS just
logs what it gets.

> After
> sometime 'radacct' table gets empty and doesn't get updated even if
> users are still logged in.

  OK... why?  Have you tried looking at the logs or debug output?

> To check that phenomenon, I left it on with
> about 10 users logged in. After sometime it crashed. This kind of
> repetition happens only in that line (with local authentication) but
> not on other lines.
> Same experiments done with radius on other two lines does not show any
> of these symptoms.
> 1. Does anyone have any experience in this kind of problem before?

  I have no idea.

> 2. Regarding the ignoring of request from particular line, does radius
> have some kind of self defense mechanism by blocking IP? Where to look
> for the clue?

  Uh... read the "clients.conf" file.

> 3. What can trigger account update every second and multiple entry in 'radacct'?

  Blame the NAS.

  Alan DeKok.

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