Running FreeRadius daemon in debug mode

Alexander Clouter alex at
Sun Apr 17 14:45:20 CEST 2011

Mike Hale < at> wrote:
> I'm running the latest yum version of freeradius2 on a 32bit CentOS 
> 5.5 install.
Although not relevent, please next time take a moment to actually find 
out the FreeRADIUS version as this is a *FreeRADIUS* mailing list and 
not a CentOS mailing list...

To additionally make things complicated, we actually do not know if you 
are actually running the latest CentOS release (unlikely but 'stale' 
mirror?) or if you have added additional RPM sources.

> I'm using "service radius start" to launch the daemon.  I'm trying to 
> figure out how to use the service method to launch the process in 
> debug mode.  I can start it in debug mode when calling it from the 
> command line just fine.
> I thought it might be as simple as modifying the radiusd script file 
> in /init.d with the -x switch, but that causes errors.  Does anyone 
> have a working copy of the init.d script I could look at?
That's a Bad Idea(tm).  Learn to use 'screen'[1], 'tee' and call 
freeradius with 'radiusd -X | tee /tmp/debug' manually.



Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: An adequate bootstrap is a contradiction in terms.

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