Radacct update at 3 hours

Hitesh Vinzoda hiteshvinzoda at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 2 16:22:35 CET 2011


We want to have accounting records created every 3 hours in case the users are not disconnected to create daily/weekly/monthly report.

I have gone through all the steps involved till modifying the accounting queries in sql.conf, i realized that my sql.conf is different from one listed at http://freeradius.org/radiusd/raddb/sql.conf

Now i stalled that whether to modify. I am using FR 2.1.10.

LNS is setup to send periodic updates every 3 hours and FR is updating the records but the acctstarttime is unchanged and acctstoptime is set to "null" but i can see that the acctinoctets and output octets are updated. We need to have separate record created in MYSQL radacct table once received update from the LNS.

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Hitesh Vinzoda
Network Administrator

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One who can understand binary and other's can't."
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