Parse error after Freeradius Migration (Ascend binary attribute)

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Tue Jan 25 16:49:37 CET 2011


> # cat /var/log/freeradius/radius.log
> Error:[11]: Parse error (reply) for entry user: failed to parse
> Ascend binary attribute: failed to parse Ascend binary attribute:
> # cat
> user   User-Password := "password"

I probably wont be the first person to tell you that this line should be

user   Cleartext-Password := "password"

>         Ascend-Data-Filter = "ip in drop udp dstport = 9",
>         Ascend-Data-Filter = "generic in forward 0 0 0"

the error is related to one/both of these binary entries.

the dictinary file has pretty good docs: read "dictionary.ascend" 

perhaps you havent got the dictionary included?  if you've stripped the 2.x config
or just dumped the 1.x config into place things just wont work


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