about FreeRadius+radiusmanager+mikrotik
Alexander Clouter
alex at digriz.org.uk
Wed May 4 23:50:33 CEST 2011
Tanjil Ahmed <tanjil at tanjil.net> wrote:
> after few mins he can able to login.. pls help me to solve this
> problem!
...only if you help us to help you.
You so far have not:
* shown any signs of reading the documentation
* shown any signs of reading the FAQ
* shown any signs of doing any research into your problem
* produce any *useful* debug after being asked
What might be handy for us is:
* what your NAS sends in an Access-Request
* what you are expecting to send back as a reply
* the debug output for a successful request
* your config file(s)
You are so far doing the same as a regular end user shouting "DOES NOT
WORK FIX IT NOW!!?!?" and refusing to provide any information at all
1. what are you trying to do (Access-Accept looks like?)
2. how are you trying to do it (config/debug)
3. what are you expecting to happen (where you think the debug goes
wrong, SQL, LDAP, files queries)
4. what is actually happening (RADIUS response, if any)
Please, throw is a freeking bone here...try starting with the
documentation, Google and the FreeRADIUS mailing list archives.
Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: What this country needs is a good five cent microcomputer.
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