Creating templates for users

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Thu Oct 20 20:39:49 CEST 2011

On 10/20/2011 05:05 PM, Krzysztof Grobelak wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having some troubles creating templates with wimax attributes for
> users. I created files with atributes in them in the form:
> Alvarion-R3-IF-Name += CPEL3Mgmt,
> Alvarion-PDFID += 1,
> WiMAX-Packet-Data-Flow-Id += 1,
> WiMAX-Service-Data-Flow-Id += 1,
> WiMAX-Direction += 3,
> WiMAX-Transport-Type += 1,
> WiMAX-Uplink-QOS-Id += 1,
> WiMAX-Downlink-QOS-Id += 1,

You've got a comma on the final line here...

> and then in the users file I use:
> 30001020 Cleartext-Password := "30001020"
> $INCLUDE cpe_mgmt,
> $INCLUDE ethcs_1_vlan_sf,

...then another comma directly after the $include. So the parser will see:

Attribute += Value,,

Try removing one of the commas.

There are much better ways to do this - SQL, LDAP profiles, unlang 
policies in "policy.conf" and so on.

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