Creating templates for users

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Oct 20 23:42:24 CEST 2011

Krzysztof Grobelak wrote:
> and then in the users file I use:
> 30001020         Cleartext-Password                      := "30001020"
>                         $INCLUDE        cpe_mgmt,
>                         $INCLUDE        ethcs_1_vlan_sf,

  That's wrong.

  You can use $INCLUDE.  It MUST be the first text on a line.  No
leading spaces or tabs.   And $INCLUDEs CANNOT be in the middle of an
entry like that.

> Is the += format not supported in the templates.conf??

  You're not using templates.

> Or is there any
> other way to save myself the problem of typing all the attributes for
> each user??

  Yes.  Put them into a group, and use group checking.

  Repeating the attributes for each of 100's of users is inefficient.

  Alan DeKok.

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