Challenge/Response and rlm_example, I'm trying too ...

Thomas Glanzmann thomas at
Thu Aug 23 15:41:39 CEST 2012

Hello Joël,

> I'm trying to develop my own two-factor-authentication with
> freeradius.

the fastest way to do that is to grab

and modify the rlm_perl implementation. That is very straight forward.

> But it is not so clear for me to set up smotp both c and perl version!
> So, is it possible to receive some advice, configuration files and
> code snippets to help me.

I'll make a video ready which shows howto setup FreeRadius with smsotp
from scratch and send it to you.

For you example I developed this radius module for use with VMware View
(when it was still a private beta) and now using it in production for
1500 users with Citrix Netscaler.


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