"+=" allowed in attrs ??

Arran Cudbard-Bell a.cudbardb at freeradius.org
Thu Aug 23 12:38:39 CEST 2012

On 23 Aug 2012, at 11:30, Joachim Brauer <jbrauer at de.ibm.com> wrote:

> Hi 
> I have set up a virtual server with 
>  authenticate { 
>                 Auth-Type MS-CHAP { 
>                         update control { 
>                                 Proxy-To-Realm := "emea_radius_servers" 
>                         } 
>                 } 
>         } 
>         post-auth { 
>                 attr_filter.boa-NX-fwruleuser 
>         } 
> } 
> and the attr.filter looks like 
> # Joachim Brauer 
> "blah at blah.de" 
>    cisco-avpair := "ip:inacl#0=permit ip any", 
>    cisco-avpair += "ip:inacl#1=permit ip any", 
>    cisco-avpair += "ip:inacl#2=deny ip any any"
> However when debugging I see that the 1st cisco-avpair line is processed and sent to the NAS and the following 2 lines are NOT sent by freeradius 
> My question now: is += not allowed in attrs ? or am I doing s.th. wrong here ? 
> Purpose is to enrich the RADIUS response with per user cisco-avpair values.... 
> freeradius version is 2.1.12 on RHEL 6. 

You shouldn't be using the attribute filter to add attributes, that's what the users file is there for?


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