Problems sending session-timeout

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Feb 2 18:07:02 CET 2012

tonimanel wrote:
> I think that I have been clear. When a user wants access to my FreeRADIUS,
> user tries login, and then FreeRADIUS service checks session time of
> username, make some actions and lastly replies with attributes to the NAS
> (in my case Mikrotik). NAS, in my case, should receives session timeout,
> radius-id-location... If I must to configure freeradius to replies with
> these attributes, I should to add it inside of sql/mysql/counter.conf (a
> file that contains noresetcounter, monthly or daily directives), that's
> correct?

  No.  Modules are configured in the "raddb/modules" directory.  Look
*there* for the counter configuration.

  That file also contains *extensive* documentation on how the module
works.  This includes when/where Session-Timeout is sent.

  Go read that and configure the server as it suggest.  THEN post the
debug output if it still doesn't work.

  Alan DeKok.

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