Next release of the server?

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Fri Jan 6 05:13:31 CET 2012

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 12:01 AM, Alan DeKok <aland at> wrote:
> John Dennis wrote:
>> Version 3.x is 100% configuration compatible with version 2.x.
>  No.
>  Some things have changed.  Even 2.2.0 will NOT be 100% compatible with
> 2.1.12.  e.g. the "passwd" file has a configuration entry *forbidden*.
> It used to be marked "do not use".  People used it.  And then complained
> that things went wrong.  So... marking it forbidden solves that problem.

Is there a list for (planned) 2.2.0 vs 2.1.12 incompatible
configuration directive?

I'm using quite a number of 2.1.12 in my setup, and it was
backward-compatible with previous versions (e.g. 2.1.7), so the
"maintenance" process is usually something as simple as "upgrade all
installations, but only change the config when you need to use some
new features".

If the difference is on things that I don't use, then I'd stick with
that upgrade pattern. If not, then I'd probably freeze my
implementation at 2.1.12 and create new FR-2.2 packages (or even skip
directly to 3.0)


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