Question about WARNING in rlm_sql_mysql

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Jan 31 11:51:02 CET 2012

Krzysztof Grobelak wrote:
> I did lower it, as it recommends but i did not have to do it in previous
> versions and I wanted to understand what has changed in the new release.

  Read raddb/mods-available/sql

  Really.  You managed to edit that file.  This means you saw the
comments in that file describing what changed.

> And thanks for handy git commands Fajar.
> The radiusd -X command does not start the debug. It advises to use the
> radiusd -lxx -l stdout command to start it. I thought that freeradius is
> compiled with threads usage by default.

  Yes, it is.  But debug mode is single threaded.  And if you want to
use radsec, you MUST use threaded mode for debugging.  The message
describes what to do.

  If you don't use radsec, then delete raddb/sites-enabled/tls

  Alan DeKok.

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