Question on logging EAP/PEAP authentication rejections

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Mar 21 02:57:34 CET 2012

Josh Hiner wrote:
> Im not sure why people kept telling me to read the spot
> above the Post-Auth-Type Reject section.

  Because it describes how the Post-Auth-Type Reject section works.

  Note: no text saying "it magically doesn't log User-Names"

> Here is a paste of the text
> above that section.

  Because we haven't seen it before, right?

> This section was of no help to why usernames were not getting logged in
> the detail logs for rejections. From my emails I believe I conveyed that
> I was reading documentation and doing the best I could on my own without
> being a mooch. The only reason I can think of such short and erroneous
> replies is that some people helping on the list are generally annoyed by
> any questions.

  No... they're annoyed at people who ask questions that are answered in
the documentation.

> That is too bad. A quick reply of "use linelog" would
> have been helpful. Why not help people?

  Are you really implying I haven't spent 12 years writing free software
and helping people?  If that is what you're implying, I have nothing
polite to say to you.  If that's not what you're implying, then you're
admitting that the question is rude and inflammatory.

  Honestly, why are so many people insistent on pissing off the people
who help them for free?  You're getting free software, free support, and
free bug fixes.  Yet that isn't good enough.  We have to spend MORE time
because the answers we give aren't good enough for you.

  Why not just unsubscribe?  If you insist on denigrating me, I'll just
do it for you.

  Alan DeKok.

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