Fwd: ldap-radius integration

Stefan Winter stefan.winter at restena.lu
Fri Mar 30 23:46:27 CEST 2012

Please don't write private mail to me with FreeRADIUS questions.
Forwarding to freeradius-users.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	ldap-radius integration
Date: 	Fri, 30 Mar 2012 12:35:53 -0700
From: 	exult7 at gmail.com
To: 	stefan.winter at restena.lu

could you give me some refrence material or the steps involved in integrating radius and ldap?
Iam stuck with the error
[ldap] bind as cn=Manager,ou=radius,dc=example,dc=com/{SSHA}N0HDoA07iBXb/qW6JmhxnkUeTkVex1mN to
  [ldap] waiting for bind result ...
  [ldap] LDAP login failed: check identity, password settings in ldap section of radiusd.conf
cant understand how to proceed..!
PS: Im using ubuntu 11.10

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