Statistics on EAP methods widely used

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Tue Nov 20 15:41:51 CET 2012

On 20/11/12 14:19, Panagiotis Georgopoulos wrote:

> Yeap, I understand this but telling people that you are doing EAP-TLS, or EAP-TTLS, or
> PEAP, or whatever does not really expose your network. Many companies have this
> information on the web already in "how-to-connect-to-our-wifi" guides. It seems strange to
> me that there is no survey with collective statistics about this anywhere.

Why are you telling us that? We know. We agree.

The point is that lots of *other* people don't. Alan is not saying this 
is sensible; he's saying it *is the case*.

> I've been searching all morning for NRPS statistics but I have been unable to find any
> online. I know there are eduroam people in this list... could they help?

As Stefan has said, it's a lot of work, and you'll need to justify it.

However, in the spirit of being helpful - our ORPS stats for the last 4 
hours, excluding our own users, show the following EAP types (in hex):

      91 0d
     501 03
    4848 15
    7540 01
   35801 19

So, about 75% PEAP, 10% TTLS, 15% identity packets, less than 0.2% TLS.

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