radclient coa example

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Tue Oct 23 09:45:44 CEST 2012

jobhunts02 at aol.com wrote:
> I've read where radclient can be used to send a change-of-authorization message (COA) from the server to a NAS to change the bandwidth limit but I have not been able to find an example of this.
> Does any have an example of radclient  sending a coa message to change the bandwidth limit?

  Read the NAS documentation to see what attributes change the bandwidth
limit.  Then, send them via radclient.

  As with nearly everything RADIUS, the NAS is in charge.  Not the
RADIUS server.  Not anything *you* do.

  Think of it as being in a foreign country, and not knowing the
language.  The problem isn't how to ask for directions.  You know how to
ask for directions.  The problem is to make the *local* person
understand your request for directions.  This means speaking the local

  Reading an English dictionary will not help you learn the Russian
words for "left" and "right".

  Alan DeKok.

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