bugs.freeradius.org unavailable?

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Sep 6 09:25:41 CEST 2012

endo mitsuharu wrote:
> First of all, I would like to express my utmost appreciation for being
> able to use FreeRADIUS, most especially to everyone involved in the development.


> In this regard, I tried accessing the "Report a Bug" link
> (http://bugs.freeradius.org/) posted in FreeRADIUS official web site.

  That was taken down a week or so ago.  The web site (FTP, etc.) has
been moved to a different machine.  After some investigation, I didn't
move bugzilla.

> Please also inform me if this inquiry has been directed to the incorrect
> recipients and as to where this inquiry be posted.

  Just send a report to this list for now.

  Alan DeKok.

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