question about freeradius

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Mon Apr 29 09:34:43 CEST 2013


>    I am just wondering if I can use freeradius for hotspot and dial up
>    accounts on same box or does it have to be separate box for hotspot and
>    dial up accounts?

that would depend on how you configured it and had each function isolated when
not needing same resources etc. we use ours for 802.1X federated access, local 802.1X,
captive portal, router/switch admin login, VLAN allocations via VMPS, VPN
login etc - each function is undertaken by seperate virtual server definitions
in sites-enabled (with different policies applied) and seperate module calls when 
different requirements for authentications are needed.


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