How to fix the proxy source port

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Apr 29 14:44:15 CEST 2013

Okis Chuang wrote:
>         Yeah…Actually I almost k knew it that I cannot achieve this hope
> while seeing the document.

  Huh?  You *can* set the source IP address.  Go read the proxy.conf
file.  This is documented.  In great detail.  Including *how* to do it.

  If your proxy.conf doesn't have a reference to "src_ipaddr", it's
because you're running an old version of the software.  Upgrade.

>         But…I just want to know is there any other way to get this done?

  Read the documentation?

>         I know this demand is not too much common. But it’s really a
> real demand in our case.
>         Any idea?

  Read the documentation?

  Alan DeKok.

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