Re: Apple devices can´t authenticate

Roberto Carna robertocarna36 at
Wed Aug 14 16:00:40 CEST 2013

Dear, the debug is this:

[chap] Login attempt by "pepe" with CHAP password
[chap] Using clear text password "1234" for user pepe authentication
[chap] Password check failed
++[chap] Returns reject
Failed to authenticate the user

THe password is 1234 and I try many times...

Any idea ??? Because from other Windos and Android devices the
authentication works OK.

Thanks again

2013/8/14 Brian Julin <BJulin at>:
> Roberto Carna wrote:
>> I can authenticate with Windows, Linux and Android devices, but I
>> can't authenticate with Apple devices (iphone and ipad) at all.
>> Is it an intrinsic problem of Freeradius ???
> No, Apple devices auth off FreeRADIUS just fine.
> More likely it is a problem with certs/CAs, or client configurations.
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