"Usefull values" from documentation are hardcoded

Dario Šafar dario.safar at srce.hr
Wed Feb 6 10:34:08 CET 2013


I'm using the latest freeradius2.2.0 built from source.

I have one simple question about "Useful values" that are given in 
documentation of freeradius proxy.conf file. Especially ones considering 
alive/zombie/dead times.

I was trying to set up server to have 1 second revive_interval but to my 
surprise it was always 60 secs. Then I checked the source code and in 
realms.c file I've found:

if (home->revive_interval < 60) home->revive_interval = 60;
if (home->revive_interval > 3600) home->revive_interval = 3600;

So the "Useful values" aren't really useful but mandatory values.

Is it possible these restrictions would be removed? It would allow the 
user to set revive_interval (or any other variable value) to 1 sec if he 
chooses, without the need to build from edited source every time new 
version of freeradius is released.

Best regards,


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