eap testing

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Feb 20 11:31:20 CET 2013


> Is there any other way to do this??? suppose i have hundreds of NAS,
> how their requests can be sent in parallel, to different FR???   Is FR
> support such a mechanism without using REALM and PROXY???
> If yes.,........ what is it???

1) why would you want to send a request from a NAS in parallel to different
servers? that is just asking for major problems

2) what NAS kit are yu dealing with? Can this kit not do its own load-balancing?

3) are you simply balancing realm targets? - why just one proxy anyway? that would
be single point failure and bottleneck. have multiple proxies


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