Different BaseDN for User/Group Objects in rlm_ldap

Tobias Hachmer lists at kokelnet.de
Wed Jan 9 10:27:11 CET 2013

On Wednesday 09 January 2013 09:29:48 Rudolph Bott wrote:
> Is there is possibility to set a different basedn for group lookups OR
> another feasable solution (e.g. modify the filter...?). Filter and
> groupmembership_filter are currently set to:

Create a new ldap module called e.g. ldap2 (just copy the existing ldap module 
and rename it to ldap2, also rename it in the module itself, otherwise FR 
tries to instantiate the ldap module twice), adjust there the new basedn and 
call it where you want in authorize section.

Tobias Hachmer

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