Trying other authentication methods when the first is invalid

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Jan 11 15:26:20 CET 2013

Meyers, Dan wrote:
> Anyway, we have got some Juniper EX2200 switches. The problem with these is that they do mac-auth as a 'fake' 802.1x auth. The request has the User-Name attribute set to the MAC address correctly, but also has an EAP-Message present, it just doesn't contain anything we want to have to care about (It actually contains, once the eap header has been decoded, the md5 of the mac-address).

  That phrase is a trigger for me.  "contains the MD5 hash of the
password" is a horribly vague description.  Where is this hash
contained?  Why is it "contained", and not part of a well-defined EAP type?

> This causes the eap module, if called in authorize, to think the request should be handled by itself and set Auth-Type to EAP and expect to do eap-md5 (even if the default-auth-type in eap.conf is set to something else, like peap). However, as we do not actually want to do an eap-md5 auth we have no Cleartext-Password anywhere

  OK... so it's EAP-MD5.  *PLEASE* just say this.

  "The switch does EAP-MD5 with the MAC address as the password".

  That's *much* easier than reading a wall of text.

> ... As soon as eap returns invalid, all further processing is halted for that request and FreeRADIUS jumps straight to the Post-Auth REJECT section.

  That's how user rejection works.  If you reject the user, you don't
keep looking for more things to do.

> Can anyone suggest a way around this? I was originally thinking that I could use the perl module after eap in authorize to check if the decoded eap data was simply an md5 hash of the MAC,

  Huh?  You *are* aware that the server comes with an EAP-MD5 module,
right?  Why not just use that?

  The "wall of text" indicates to me that you're lost in the weeds
looking for a solution.  The more you get lost, the bigger the
description becomes, and the more complicated the solution.

  Once you (a) know it's EAP-MD5, and (b) know that the password is the
MAC, and (c) know that the MAC is in the User-Name, the solution becomes
rather obvious.

  Do what Phil says.  It should work.

  Alan DeKok.

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