Question on attributes

Tiago sytker at
Thu Jan 17 14:20:12 CET 2013

Sorry, I did that. But I think I didn't understod it correctly, maybe
due english not being my first lang.

>From man I have:

 The  names
       have no meaning outside of the RADIUS server itself, and are
never exchanged between server and clients.

       That  is,  editing the dictionaries will have NO EFFECT on
anything other than the server that is reading those files.  Adding
new attributes to the dictioâ
       naries will have NO EFFECT on RADIUS clients, and will not make
RADIUS clients magically understand those attributes.  The
dictionaries are solely for local
       administrator convenience, and are specific to each version of

May I ask you a bit of patience helping me on this? So, can I conclude
that adding attributes to dictionary file will not make freeradius to
send those to NAS? But are they necessary to create sql pairs and so
got from sql radreply?

On the dictionary file I have:
#       If you want to add entries to the dictionary file,
#       which are NOT going to be placed in a RADIUS packet,
#       add them here.  The numbers you pick should be between
#       3000 and 4000.

So I didnt understand that, so entries with 3000-4000 numbers aren't
placed on radius packet, can I conclude that the others are? but on
the man it says that attributes are never exchanged. So I'm a bit
confused here.

What I need to do to radius server send the attributes that are
collected from my mysql database (radreply attrib)?

Thanks again.

2013/1/17 Alan DeKok <aland at>:
> Tiago wrote:
>> I have these:
>> ATTRIBUTE       Download        78      integer
>> ATTRIBUTE       Upload          79      integer
>> On /etc/freeradius/dictionary file that is being included as debug showed.
>   They are wrong.  Delete them.
>> including dictionary file /etc/freeradius/dictionary on freeradius v2.
>> Maybe I need to create a separate dictionary file and have a include
>> on this file? What I'm doing wrong?
>   The documentation describes how the dictionaries work.  If you're
> editing the dictionary file, then READ IT.  It contains DOCUMENTATION
> describing how to add new attributes.
>   I honestly don't know why I write *any* documentation.  It seems that
> the bulk of problems on this list are people who fanatically avoid all
> existing documentation.
>   Alan DeKok.
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