[ANN] Version 3.0.0-rc0

Doug Hardie bc979 at lafn.org
Thu Jul 11 23:39:51 CEST 2013

On 11 July 2013, at 06:09, Fajar A. Nugraha <list at fajar.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 7:28 PM, Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudbardb at freeradius.org> wrote:
> We are now in feature freeze for 3.0. The configuration format and behaviour for 3.0 will be stable between now and the final release.
> If you are planning on deploying 3.0 and have an existing 2.x.x configuration you were planning to migrate when the 3.0 is released, now would be a good time to try that, and to report any issues or problematic behaviour changes you notice.

I was not able to find a list of the changes between 2 and 3.  I have possibly read somewhere that user modules which can be compiled separately from the base system in version 2, now must be compiled within version 3.  I wanted to check on this.

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