Value-pairs from exec script

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Mar 6 20:56:05 CET 2013

Brian Wallen wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion, Alan. I've rewritten my script in Perl but
> I'm still having the same issue. In my log I see two pairs for User-Name:

  Because that's probably what you told it to do.

> rlm_perl: Added pair User-Name = MyOldUsername
> rlm_perl: Added pair User-Name = MyNewUsername
> So how to I make rlm_perl change/overwrite the value of User-Name rather
> than add a second User-Name pair? I tried returning updated rather than
> ok, but that didn't seem to make any difference. In my script I have
> $RAD_REPLY{'User-Name'} = 'MyNewUsername';
> Is there maybe an operator besides = that I should use?

  No.  Normal Perl should work.

  So... what does your script do?  Can you pare it down to an example
you can post here?  Otherwise, you message is little more than "it
doesn't work".

  Alan DeKok.

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