Service Provisioning Using AAA (FreeRadius)

Mulindwa meric_l at
Tue May 28 14:43:12 CEST 2013

There is something called Daloradius which works with Freeradius

Eric M

 From: Russell Mike <radius.sir at>
To: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users at> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 3:20 PM
Subject: Service Provisioning Using AAA (FreeRadius)

Dear FreeRadius Gurus Greetings,

I work with an ISP, i have been asked to research about "service provisioning using AAA". I am NOT very new to FreeRadius. Have implemented and managing central CoovaChilli hotspot solution where we run more than 35 hotspots across the city using CoovaChilli + Freeradius. 

Currently, We do manually connection / disconnection. If a customer did not pay until 31st, somebody manually disconnect the link. And manually connect when customer comes to pay. 

i am somehow not clear with the idea, how that would work and where to start from. I am looking for advice from those have already setup such system. Any kind of help would be highly appreciated. i am further willing to study, if i know which direction to move on. Someone please help

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