Updating the n'th occurance of an attribute

Arran Cudbard-Bell a.cudbardb at freeradius.org
Fri May 31 16:00:18 CEST 2013

On 31 May 2013, at 03:23, Бен Томпсон <b.thompson at latera.ru> wrote:

> Hello everyone
> I have a quick queston. I noticed in the man page of unlang that we can reference attributes using the syntax:
> %{Attribute-Name[index]}
> This is a very useful feature :-)
> However, I just wanted to check whether we can update attributes in the same way? I mean something like this:
> update reply {
>         Attribute-Name[index] := new_value
> }

It's planned for a future version as part of the nested attribute syntax.

Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudbardb at freeradius.org>
FreeRADIUS Development Team

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