Simple 2 Server High Availability

Jonathan Gazeley Jonathan.Gazeley at
Wed Aug 6 12:17:52 CEST 2014

Likewise, we recently installed MariaDB Galera Cluster which can do 
master-master in a pretty nice implementation. You really need 3 nodes 
though, rather than the usual 2 and it's a bit of a pain to set up.


On 06/08/14 09:48, Anthony McGarry wrote:
> Hi James,
> I recently installed mysql cluster and freeradius. Each freeradius instance talks to its local mysql api only.
> I used disk data tables for accounting records, except for the indexes and so far so good.
> Anthony
> On 6 Aug 2014, at 09:38, James Bensley <jwbensley at> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Thanks for the input, I have spoken with a DBA friend I trust and he
>> also warned against master-master because it is a pain to manage. The
>> two servers are going into two seperate DCs to cover things like
>> maintenance windows on core routers at the DCs and also to allow us to
>> take the servers themselves down for maintenance individually so they
>> need to be able to operate on their own for a period of time.
>> After sending yesterdays email I read more, I didn't realise Postgres
>> was supported natively! :)
>> The RADIUS boxes are for an ADSL platform, they will hold user records
>> and accounting records. I want both user account records and
>> accounting info to be in the database (but not FreeRADIUS config [if
>> that is even possible?] so people can't make a change and replicate
>> that taking them both out simultaneously). I think perhaps a master to
>> slave is best but with the loss of a master the slave must cache DB
>> updates until the master returns.
>> Looks like radsqlreplay is what I need, is that DB agnostic, will it
>> support either MariaDB and Postgress denpending on which one I choose?
>> Many thanks,
>> James.
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