Simple 2 Server High Availability

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Wed Aug 6 12:56:43 CEST 2014

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Jonathan Gazeley
<Jonathan.Gazeley at> wrote:
> Likewise, we recently installed MariaDB Galera Cluster which can do
> master-master in a pretty nice implementation. You really need 3 nodes
> though, rather than the usual 2

IIRC most clusters need some kind of tie-breaker to prevent split
brain scenario.

> and it's a bit of a pain to set up.

Galera? It's much simpler compared to mysql cluster.

I recently tested mariadb + tokudb + galera from on ubuntu, using
. Even though tokudb engine is not officially supported yet with
galera, it should be excellent for radacct due to faster inserts
(compared to innodb) and compressed storage. Once you get the hang of
it, setting it up is pretty easy.

The biggest downside of galera (compared to local mysql instance or
old master-slave config) that I can think of is that all writes must
be completed an all nodes, so you might see some increased latency.


> Cheers,
> Jonathan
> On 06/08/14 09:48, Anthony McGarry wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> I recently installed mysql cluster and freeradius. Each freeradius
>> instance talks to its local mysql api only.
>> I used disk data tables for accounting records, except for the indexes and
>> so far so good.
>> Anthony
>> On 6 Aug 2014, at 09:38, James Bensley <jwbensley at> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Thanks for the input, I have spoken with a DBA friend I trust and he
>>> also warned against master-master because it is a pain to manage. The
>>> two servers are going into two seperate DCs to cover things like
>>> maintenance windows on core routers at the DCs and also to allow us to
>>> take the servers themselves down for maintenance individually so they
>>> need to be able to operate on their own for a period of time.
>>> After sending yesterdays email I read more, I didn't realise Postgres
>>> was supported natively! :)
>>> The RADIUS boxes are for an ADSL platform, they will hold user records
>>> and accounting records. I want both user account records and
>>> accounting info to be in the database (but not FreeRADIUS config [if
>>> that is even possible?] so people can't make a change and replicate
>>> that taking them both out simultaneously). I think perhaps a master to
>>> slave is best but with the loss of a master the slave must cache DB
>>> updates until the master returns.
>>> Looks like radsqlreplay is what I need, is that DB agnostic, will it
>>> support either MariaDB and Postgress denpending on which one I choose?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> James.
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