freeradius with pptp

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Aug 27 14:39:17 CEST 2014

Xu Tingting wrote:
> In my freeradius server, i setup up pptp with freeradius authentication.
> It works ok, i can create accounts and the vpn users login in ok. But
> when you connect to any vpn users, it assignes the same remote ip
> address and public ip .

  Well, the default configuration doesn't assign IPs.  So it's something
you changed locally.  Find it, and fix it.

> I want to specify IP for a paritcular vpn account, so different users
> with different public ip and remote ip, but i dont know what to do.

  Run the server in debugging mode, as suggested in the FAQ, "man" page,
web pages, and daily on this list.

  Alan DeKok.

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